Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Adobe has recently handed out its annual design achievement awards. This is the 10th year that they have given these awards out to students who combine the creative arts with technology.  This is a worldwide competition and to date 52 countries have participated in this so far. For these awards Abode works in conjunction with Icograda which is the International Council of Graphic Design Associations. The student submitted designs are judged by a panel of judges made up of international design experts. There were twelve winners selected from different categories such interactive media, film and motion, and traditional media. The judges look for originality, how well the designed piece meets communication requirements, and how well the participants used Adobe’s products to design the pieces. The prizes for these awards are very attractive for any student because they include cash, Adobe products, and even mentorships for a year with an Icograda design leader. I only looked through some of the winners but I found all their projects interesting in one way or another. Though that doesn’t mean I actually liked all the projects I saw. I did think it was funny though that out of the winners I looked through almost all of them were German.

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