Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Graffiti is something that is being done all over the world and is considered vandalism pretty much everywhere.  One thing some governments have done to help reduce the vandalism of graffiti is to make specific places in the communities where graffiti artists are allowed to showcase their talents. Although this was mainly done in order to try and reduce vandalism these places got approved because some realized that graffiti actually acted as public art and made the community more interesting. After all, how interesting is it to look at a plain old wall wherever you go? Since graffiti is legal in these areas it allows the graffiti artist the ability to take their time and produce great work, this luxury something that most graffiti artists do not have. It is widely debated if these graffiti approved zones have actually reduced the amount of graffiti elsewhere but this does show that at least in some places graffiti is being respected as an art form and not simply a crime. One such place is “Graffiti Tunnel” at the University of Sydney in Australia. Any graffiti can be put up in this tunnel as long as it is not offensive. Looking at pictures of Graffiti Tunnel it is easy to see that people have no problem taking the government up on the offer of graffiti approved zones. There is hardly any spot at all that isn’t covered by some type of graffiti. While this area is technically supposed to be for students of the university only, from all that I’ve read that really is not listened to. Graffiti Tunnel is just one such spot though. There are many other spots like this in Australia. Australia also isn’t the only country to have such places though. In some areas in the UK there are also graffiti approved places for the artist to show their talents.

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